The Marilyn Denis Show!

Hey All, I spoke a few months back about being on a local tv show about extreme weight loss. Here is the video! I’m not sure if people outside of Canada will be able to view it or not though. Let me know, if you watch it!

Here’s the link to the show page.

8 thoughts on “The Marilyn Denis Show!

  1. been following for over 4 years now….finally nice to hear your voice in the video….you look great….

    I know about regain….lost 25 lbs and put back on 17 and cant see, to get it to budge….feels like i am on a constant diet…..

    trying out this strength training thing to see if building muscle will really help my metab….seriously…losing weight seems to be more science for some than others….especially when your metab is at a crawl

  2. Thank you for sharing! You are stunning! Congrats to you! I’ve just discovered your website and I’m looking forward to reading up on how you are doing. Keep on keeping on girl!

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